Is Mexico City Safe to Visit in 2024 | Travel Tips and Warning

Is Mexico City safe to visit? The sheer size of Mexico City is something that one cannot resist. One of the biggest cities in the world is the capital of Mexico. It has a dense population, interesting neighborhood dynamics, street food, and architecture. Go to Cancun to have a tourist experience in Mexico.

Travel to Mexico City to get a sense of Mexican society. With day visits to the Teotihuacan Pyramids and other museums, including Chapultepec Castle in the city center, the history is remarkable. Without question, Mexico City is a fantastic trip destination for ardent enthusiasts.

Is Traveling to Mexico City Safe?

Is Mexico City Safe to Visit

Is Mexico City safe to visit? Ensuring your safety during a visit to Mexico City, especially given its status as Mexico’s largest urban center, is paramount. Being a bustling metropolis, Mexico City demands that you adhere to standard safety protocols to safeguard against petty crime and theft. However, it’s essential to note specific crime trends, making thorough research a crucial step before embarking on your trip to Mexico City.

The majority of non-violent and minor crimes, which vary from pickpocketing on public transit to more serious mugging occurrences, occur at tourist destinations like the Centro Historic. There are some of the safest neighborhoods in the city center. You can be secure in Mexico City if you limit your travel to these safe zones. For example, do not leave drinks alone, refrain from wandering alone at night, and do not carry too much cash.

Violent crimes are discouraged by the strong police presence in the tourist zones. If you limit your travel to certain neighborhoods during the daylight hours, Mexico City can be considered rather safe. You can enjoy yourself immensely as long as you use common sense.

However, the neighborhoods and non-tourist regions connected to cartels might be deadly. One such example is Tepito, the location of La Union Tepito, a cartel engaged in extortion and human trafficking. Even the presence of the police in Tepito is ineffective because some of them accept bribes to ignore crime.

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Travel Warnings for Mexico

The majority of tourists arrive in Mexico City safely. Keeping track of general travel advisories is a good idea. These may be found on official websites such as Gov.UK, Travel.State.Gov for the United States, and for Canada, etc.

We’ll examine a few of the travel warnings for Mexico as a whole for 2024 in this section. Always refer to your government’s guidelines for the most up-to-date information. These alerts can change every day; they might advise you to be extra cautious around political gatherings or gang-related conflicts, for example.

Here are some things to consider in 2024:

  • Because of the higher risk of crime and kidnapping, stay away from the states of Tamaulipas, Colima, Guerrero, Michoacan, and Sinaloa.
  • Be aware of Hurricane Otis’s residual effects in the area of Acapulco.
  • Due to growing tensions, stay away from Tijuana and parts of the Baja California Sur peninsula.
  • Because of the high crime rates in Chihuahua right now, stay away.
  • Steer clear of nighttime travel.
  • Even while visiting popular Mayan Riviera destinations like Tulum, Cancun, and Playa del Carmen, use caution.

And what about Mexico City in particular, since general advice about Mexico is out there?

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The Current State of Safety in Mexico City

Is Mexico City safe to visit? As we know, safety might change every day. It is influenced by things like political and social movements. Elections can wreak turmoil even in a safe destination. Moreover, riots and other crises may spark cartel violence.

What level of safety exists in Mexico City right now? It’s essential to stay informed about current affairs if you want to stay safe in Mexico City. Right now, Mexico City’s tourism zones are devoid of any political scandals, elections, or opposing gangs. Traveling to Mexico City at this time of year is safe because no contentious events are happening.

However, June 2024 visitors to the city should be advised that it is also Mexico’s general election month. Due to protests and disturbances, tensions may rise during this period. It’s a good idea to monitor the news if you plan to arrive during this time since you might need to adjust your schedule to avoid running with protesting individuals.

Along with always taking the necessary measures, you should keep an eye out for any outbreaks of violence by competing cartels in the press. Extra caution is needed for visitors in a few Mexican cities. However, being the largest metropolis in the nation, Mexico’s metropolis inevitably carries a higher risk of minor crimes.

The Best Ways To Keep Safe In Mexico City

You are largely responsible for the security precautions you take in Mexico City. Unexpected things can, of course, happen at any time and are out of your control. But generally speaking, being vigilant about your safety in Mexico City can help you avoid accidents, so why not do so?

In this section, we’ll go over the top seven strategies to be safe in Mexico City. We’ll explore everything from belts made of money to tap water and everything in between. These are the most important things to know before visiting Mexico City.

1. Acquire a Basic Knowledge of Spanish

Gaining some knowledge of Spanish can help you stay safe in Mexico City. Mexico City is a bustling, fast-paced travel destination. Acquiring basic Spanish skills, such as asking for help or understanding basic instructions, can have a significant impact.

When interacting, you can steer clear of dangerous locations and heed the counsel of kind individuals you encounter across the city. Additionally, it keeps you from lingering and appearing helpless on your phone or from just finding it difficult to talk. You are less likely to draw attention to yourself if you are more competent and appear less preoccupied or confused. And that implies there’s a lower likelihood of being the target of thieves.

2. Possess Excellent Travel Insurance

This one is significant. In the event of an emergency, travel insurance can make or break your trip. It includes coverage for anything from medical care to equipment replacement and missed flights. Very clever, huh? One of the most important things to keep in mind while planning a trip to Mexico City is travel insurance.

Insurance can protect you against millions of dollars worth of damages for as little as $5 or so for a few days. Look around to find the best policy for you.

3. Steer clear of tap water.

First and foremost, always remember not to drink tap water. Drinking tap water in Mexico City is not recommended. This also applies to cooking and tooth brushing; just get bottled water and seek out recycling locations to make sure plastic is recycled. A nasty waterborne illness or an unsettled stomach are the last things you want.

Tap water is often not regarded as safe to drink when traveling around Mexico. There are microorganisms in the tap water system because it frequently bypasses filtration or purification devices. Even locals follow the advice of tourists not to drink tap water and to stick to drinking bottled water.

On the other hand, this means you should drink a lot of water. It’s crucial to stay hydrated, particularly during the hot summer months in Mexico. Avoid drinking tap water, but make sure to recycle plastics appropriately and consume lots of bottled water.

4. Put on a Money Belt

Belts made with money are great. Wearing a money belt is a common strategy to lower your risk of pickpocketing and small-time crime. Under your clothes, these are flat around your stomach. You can then conceal your belongings in case you become a victim of pickpocketing or mugging.

It’s basic sense to do things like wear money belts. You can also refrain from taking large amounts of cash with you while you go touring by leaving valuables in the safe at your hotel. It’s a good idea to carry fake wallets or credit cards if you think you might be targeted.

5. Find Out Which Neighborhoods Are Safe

When visiting any city, it should be imperative to familiarise yourself with safe neighborhoods. However, in Mexico City, this is particularly crucial because drug cartels are prevalent in certain of the city’s neighborhoods. Even residents avoid certain locations, so you can understand why knowing your neighborhood is important for your protection when you consider the increased hazards, including traveling alone, carrying valuables, and having obvious bags.

La Merced Market, Ciudad Neza, and Tepito are a few Mexico City neighborhoods you should stay away from. Roma, Centro Historico, and Condesa are the neighborhoods that are most well-liked by tourists and are extremely safe.

6. Think About Tours in Groups

One last piece of advice relates to traveling alone. Join a group trip if you are traveling alone and need assistance exploring Mexico City. You can arrange a walking tour of the city center, a multi-day excursion with full guidance, or a single-day tour, among many more options. You might spend the entire day or your first day in a group to acquire a sense of the city. Consider this choice as a safety net.

It’s advisable to go out at night in a group, which is something to keep in mind as a single female traveler. Thus, you can go on a guided pub crawl if you’re looking to explore after hours.

7. Select an Alternative Party Destination.

Lastly, even if Mexico City offers fantastic nightlife, you might choose a different location for your celebration. You might travel to a place like Cancun. Alternatively, you might travel to US cities and elsewhere besides Mexico. Think twice if you’re looking for a safer place to party late at night.

When traveling in general, it’s a fantastic idea to customize your activities to fit the needs of your destination. Visit Mexico City for its daytime activities and choose a different location for its evening if you wish to minimize your safety considerations.

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Is traveling Alone Safe in Mexico City?

It’s not the safest to travel alone in Mexico City. On the other hand, if you are a seasoned tourist, wise, and willing to prioritize safety, you can safely explore the city on your own. For travelers coming to Mexico City alone, the main issue is that they are more susceptible to violent and small-time crimes. Going alone makes you more vulnerable by nature.

When traveling alone, you frequently overlook the reasonable precautions of traveling in groups for safety. Nevertheless, it is not insurmountable. Mexico’s metropolis is a terrific destination for single visitors to have a blast, just like any other large metropolis. We’ll begin by discussing solo travel and then focus on traveling to Mexico City on your own as a single woman.

For solo female travelers in Mexico City, safety precautions are essential. While it’s possible to feel comfortable exploring alone, it’s generally safer to stick to group activities. Utilizing female-only Metro carriages and avoiding solo walks after dark are recommended. Stick to guided tours during the day for a safer experience.

For solo female travelers in Mexico City, safety isn’t the main concern. Instead, it’s about how you plan to explore. If you prefer a carefree experience, it’s advisable to avoid traveling alone and consider joining a group tour for a more secure and enjoyable trip.

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Safety of Transportation in Mexico City

Being a major city in Mexico, you would eventually require public transport. There are buses and a metro system. But is Mexico City’s public transit system safe? In general, as long as you are mindful of pickpockets, we would say it is safe. Using public transit to explore Mexico City is a terrific way to save money, but you need to be aware of safety concerns and how long you spend using it.

Petty theft is rampant in Mexico City’s public transport system. The major reason tourists are targeted is that they are not as knowledgeable about stealing strategies and frequently have so much luggage on them that they become easy targets for pickpockets and bag snatchers. Minimize the amount of luggage you bring on public transit, and make sure all valuables are kept safe and secure, ideally concealed under your clothing in a money belt.

It’s also important to keep in mind that taking public transport in Mexico City is riskier at night. If you apply common sense during the day, you can use most forms of transportation securely. On the other hand, we would advise against using Mexico City’s public transport at night. Instead, take a group ride in a licensed taxi. Sitio Taxis are the most secure.

When utilizing Mexico City’s public transportation system, make an effort to be aware of its schedule and destination in advance. In this manner, you’ll avoid appearing vulnerable to small-time criminal activity at stations.

An outline of the city’s public transit network is provided below:


The metro is open seven days a week until midnight, with rides starting at just five pesos. The trains, which have about nine cars and twelve lines, are frequently crowded during rush hour. Turnstiles allow you to enter after purchasing a ticket. You should be able to get fairly accurate directions from Google Maps, and you can avoid spending too much time in stations by downloading offline maps or taking screenshots of your directions. Are you a woman traveling alone? During rush hours, pay attention to children and female-only carriages, which usually consist of the first three cars.


In Mexico City, buses are a little more complicated than the metro. But some ingenious female-only buses also manage to keep harassment in packed buses to a minimum. These are perfect for women visiting Mexico City alone. Additionally, the bus system is very reasonably priced.

If you decide to use a cab, take into account a few distinct types of taxis. It is equally crucial to keep safe when taking taxis as opposed to public transportation. So bear in mind these three categories of taxis:

Taxis for tourists

Taxis for tourists are fancy, unmarked cars. Usually, these are connected to hotels or reserved online as transfers via services like Get Your Guide and Viator. Even though tourist taxis are unmarked, they are nevertheless reputable and safe. Most are reserved in advance, so the rates are higher.

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Mexico City’s Safety of Food and Drink

Naturally, since you are in Mexico City, you will sample some of the mouthwatering cuisine and beverages. A cuisine tour is actually among the top things to do in the city. There are a tonne of street vendors providing mouthwatering street cuisine, especially in the downtown area. Additionally, you may enjoy delectable beverages and Mexican fare like tacos.

Mexico City has delicious food and beverages. Therefore, what should you take into account in terms of safety?

The first important thing to think about is tap water. Mexico City’s tap water is unsafe. It is frequently improperly filtered, leaving microorganisms in the water that you subsequently consume. Eat fruit and vegetables that have been cleaned in non-bottled water to prevent this. Ice should also not be added to beverages.

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The fact that Mexico City restaurants are now mandated by law to offer free filtered water to customers, starting in 2014, has been beneficial. In many more formal restaurants, filtered water is utilized for dishwashing and cooking. However, monitoring these things is still essential to avoiding disease. You are free to choose your level of risk-taking or caution when it comes to the long-running tap water dispute.

Finally, pick eateries with a solid reputation. You can be positive that Google will discover the existence of a restaurant that consistently causes illnesses. It is common for people to create negative evaluations rapidly, so check Google reviews before you eat anywhere. You can also conduct a quick in-person screening; busy restaurants are typically those where infections aren’t happening.

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Mexico City’s Health and Medical Safety

In general, there are two diseases to be mindful of when visiting Mexico: Zika and Chikungunya. Mosquitoes carry the Zika virus, which can cause joint discomfort, rash, headaches, and red eyes. It is uncomfortable but not deadly, but pregnant women may be in danger. Mosquitoes also transmit the Chikungunya virus, which presents with comparable symptoms.

However, it can also result in the long-lasting condition known as chronic chikungunya arthritis. Dengue fever, which is also prevalent in Mexico, is carried by mosquitoes and mimics the symptoms of the flu. Early detection is crucial, and avoidance is preferable, as dengue fever can progress and cause shock and internal bleeding.

As you can see, the presence of infected mosquitoes is the primary cause of these three medical issues in Mexico. Mexico City is generally thought to have a low mosquito risk because there aren’t any large bodies of water and plenty of regions covered in vegetation. But just to be sure, you can still pack insect repellant.

Is Mexico City Safe to Visit for Medical Conditions?

What specific problems does Mexico City then face? Of course, pollution poses the biggest risks to health and medicine in Mexico City. The air pollution in the city might aggravate respiratory and cardiac conditions. Masks are used as a preventative step. Alternatively, if you have any pre-existing conditions, such as asthma, make sure you bring all of your medications and treatments.

Unfiltered and tainted water should also be avoided in Mexico City since it may contain bacteria like Cyclospora or Salmonella. The best defense against the dangers of unfiltered water in Mexico City is to refuse to drink it. When it comes to cooking, making hot beverages, brushing your teeth, and drinking, use bottled water whenever feasible. The last thing you want is to have constant diarrhea when you’re trying to see the sights in gorgeous Mexico City.

Is Mexico City safe in terms of health? Compared to most coastal regions and densely forested places, where mosquitoes are common, it is less harmful. The risk of getting dengue fever, chikungunya, or zika has dropped. However, you should still bring insect repellent in case. Your top worries should be waterborne infections and air pollution, especially if you are prone to respiratory ailments like asthma.

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FAQs about Is Mexico City Safe to Visit in 2024?

1. Is Mexico City costly or cheap?
Mexico City is one of the more expensive cities in the region. Despite this, it is still far less expensive than cities in the US or the EU. Mexico City offers approximately 60% lower living expenses, including rent, than New York City. An average meal in New York City costs $20 for tourists, while the average price of a similar standard restaurant in Mexico City is $9.

2. Is it pleasant to live in Mexico City?
Indeed, Mexico City is a pleasant place for foreigners to live. The city offers an abundance of activities, excellent affordability, and a robust job market. Tasty Mexican cuisine is also another big benefit. And it makes sense that a sizable portion of individuals are moving to the capital of Mexico.

3. What safety precautions should I take when visiting Mexico City?

It’s essential to use common sense and take basic safety precautions, such as avoiding isolated areas at night, keeping valuables secure, and being aware of your surroundings. Additionally, consider purchasing travel insurance to cover any unexpected incidents.

4. Is public transportation safe in Mexico City?

Mexico City has an extensive public transportation system, including the Metro and buses, which are generally safe to use during the day. However, exercise caution, especially during rush hours when crowded conditions may increase the risk of theft or harassment.

5. What should I do if I encounter an emergency while in Mexico City?

If you find yourself in an emergency, such as a medical issue or security concern, seek assistance immediately. Know the emergency contact numbers for local authorities and your embassy or consulate, and consider registering with your country’s embassy for updates and assistance while traveling.

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